Stress Related Content

McLean’s Guide to Managing Mental Health Around the Holidays

There are a variety of reasons why your days may not be merry and bright around the holiday season. It can be the jam-packed social calendar, deadlines at work, the loss of a loved one, sunless winter days, or all of the above. Keep Reading To Learn How to deal with pressure from family and friends...

Video: Managing Your Mental Health During Presidential Election Season

Turn on your TV today, and you’re likely to be bombarded by political ads. Check your social media feeds, and chances are you’ll run across someone’s rant about this party or that politician. Show up at just about any social event, and you’re all but certain to get an earful of unsolicited advice on...

Power Down: 5 Ways To Fight Digital Burnout

Digital burnout, or the feelings of anxiety, exhaustion, and apathy caused by spending too much time on digital devices, is a growing problem. As technology makes us more interconnected and more of us rely on computers, tablets, and smartphones for work or school, the risk of burning out goes up and...

A Parent’s Guide to College Student Mental Health

Parents often need help addressing both the mental health and academic needs of their college-age child. When students have mental health challenges, parents often feel overwhelmed and unsure about where to start to help make things better. Awareness and treatment are essential to preventing crises...

Video: Caring for Burned-Out Caregivers

Caring for others can be a joyful and beautiful experience—or it can be detrimental to our well-being. Burnout in caretaker populations can go easily overlooked, as most attention may be given to the person being looked after. A caregiver with burnout often feels overwhelmed and may be physically...

Everything You Need To Know About Stress

You’re up against a deadline at work. Your kids are fighting as you’re trying to finish an assignment. You are stuck in traffic and have dinner in the back seat. On top of all that, your email pings—you’re late to pay your credit card bill. Your heart rate spikes, you start sweating, and your mind...

Everything You Need To Know About Grief and Loss

Grief and loss can prove suffocating for those who are impacted by them, especially at first. Most people have at least some experience with grief, whether first- or second-hand, and understand how loss can affect the person who goes through it. Even those of us who have very little personal...

The Benefits of Taking a Mental Health Day

From time to time, everyone needs what many have coined a “mental health day.” It’s a day off from work, a day away from screens and other obligations, or a little time to escape the pressures and frustrations of everyday life. “We all have a point at which we get overwhelmed, we’re engaging in...

Video: Helping Kids & Teens Manage Their Stress

There’s no one way to describe what stress looks or feels like for a child. Often kids don’t have the words to describe how they’re feeling, and so stress can manifest as many emotions or reactions that we may not assume are attributed to being stressed. Being overloaded with stress or not knowing...

What Employers Need To Know About Mental Health in the Workplace

Depression and anxiety may not seem like things that an employer should concern themselves with, but the reality is that mental health can have a critical impact on a company’s bottom line. Think about your workforce. Do you have: Employees who frequently call out sick? Managers that consistently...

How To Deal With Stress Caused by Working From Home

Routine and structure. For many people, these are two major keys to success in the professional world. Consistent schedules and deadlines, regular rules, and clear organization keep work on track and make coworkers, customers, and bosses happy. These days, work-from-home arrangements—made more...