Alessandro S. De Nadai, PhD
Director of Data Science and Computational Medicine, Nancy and Richard Simches Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- Assistant Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry
Alessandro S. De Nadai, PhD, is a translational data scientist who focuses on improving pediatric mental health outcomes. He and his team take new findings in computer science, mathematics, and statistics and translate them into clinically actionable information. He has applied new developments in machine learning and health economics to a number of conditions, including anxiety, OCD, PTSD, autism, ADHD, substance addiction, and self-harm. Dr. De Nadai has also developed a mentorship-based data science training program for first-generation students from diverse backgrounds.
Dr. De Nadai’s work has been supported by multiple National Institutes of Health grants, the National Science Foundation, and private supporters, such as Advanced Micro Devices. He has also been invited to serve as keynote speaker for the CDC Statistical Science Awards, and he is a member of the executive committee of the Mental Health Statistics Section of the American Statistical Association.
Education & Training
- 2006 BS in Psychology, University of Georgia
- 2008 MA in General Psychology, Stephen F. Austin State University
- 2013 MA in Clinical Psychology, University of South Florida
- 2017 PhD in Clinical Psychology, University of South Florida
- 2016-2017 Clinical Psychology Pre-Doctoral Internship, University of Mississippi Medical Center/G. V. (Sonny) Montgomery VA Medical Center