Diego Pizzagalli Related Content

Neurotherapeutics Offer Hope for Treatment-Resistant Depression

As a young psychiatrist, Stephen J. Seiner, MD, witnessed how effective electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) was for some of the depressed patients he encountered during a geriatric fellowship at McLean. “I saw how lifesaving it could be for patients who did not respond to medication,” said Seiner. After...

McLean Hospital and GrayMatters Health Awarded a BIRD Foundation Grant

GrayMatters Health, a digital therapeutics start-up company, announced that the BIRD Israel-U.S. Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation awarded a grant to McLean Hospital and the company to develop a novel solution for the therapy of major depressive disorder (MDD) with anhedonia...

Philanthropy Bolsters Research Into Teen Depression

How do you predict which teenagers will develop clinical depression? Can you use brain activity, mood or behavior patterns, and other information? Are there targeted prevention strategies that could stop a vulnerable young person from plunging into depression? And for teenagers who are currently...