Serdar Aslan, PhD
Research Fellow, Opto-Magnetic Group
- Research Fellow in Psychiatry
Serdar Aslan, PhD, works at the intersection of the neuroscience, machine learning, deep learning, signals and systems, various mathematical areas, control theory, computational optimal transport graph theory, random matrix theory, and detection and estimation theory. He specializes in various computational techniques. As a research fellow at Opto-Magnetic Group, he is working on improving computational techniques for fMRI data analysis.
Aslan has participated in lab projects including working on inference problems for hemodynamic responses, developing techniques to estimate simultaneously latent hemodynamic state and parameter values from BOLD data, and extracting successfully cardiac signal component from fMRI data. He has also worked to perform machine learning techniques to estimate blood territory regions of the voxels beginning from rs-fMRI data and developed algorithms to denoise subject level blood delay maps. In addition, the lab has implemented discrete pattern recognition techniques to detect brain states.
Education & Training
- 2001 BS in Electrical-Electronics Engineering, Middle East Technical University (ODTU), Turkey
- 2004 MS in Electrical-Electronics Engineering, Middle East Technical University (ODTU), Turkey
- 2015 PhD in Biomedical Engineering, Bogazici University, Turkey