David H. Gill, MD
Psychiatrist in Charge, Addiction Treatment Center at Naukeag
- Instructor in Psychiatry, Part-Time
David H. Gill, MD, has been a public sector psychiatrist for over four decades, serving as medical director of inpatient units, substance use disorder treatment facilities, a community mental health center, and a partial hospital program. He has been consultant to the courts, prisons, special schools, and community residential treatment programs for chronically mentally ill, developmentally disabled, and adolescents and children.
Dr. Gill previously served as a senior consultant for JCAHO and he remains actively committed to clinical education and training of interdisciplinary behavioral health clinicians.
Education & Training
- 1969 AB in Scandinavian Studies, Harvard University
- 1973 MD, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
- 1973-1976 Psychiatry Residency, Worcester State Hospital
- 1974 Medical License, Board of Registration in Medicine, Commonwealth of Massachusetts